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When : All Time - Last Month
OS Number of posts %
Windows XP 7 38.89 38.89%
Mac OS 5 27.78 27.78%
Windows 7 3 16.67 16.67%
Windows Vista 2 11.11 11.11%
iOS 1 5.56 5.56%
Browser Number of posts %
Firefox 7 38.89 38.89%
Internet Explorer 5 27.78 27.78%
Safari 4 22.22 22.22%
Google Chrome 2 11.11 11.11%
Country Number of posts %
us United States of America 10 55.56 55.56%
00 Unkown 3 16.67 16.67%
jp Japan 3 16.67 16.67%
br Brazil 1 5.56 5.56%
in India 1 5.56 5.56%
Total 18 100%
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